Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

defeating anti-American indoctrination

defeating anti-American indoctrination,

she said,

(swimming in the alphabet soup

of the very small South Dakota state,

one totally irrelevant place north of Texas,


gasping for air,

practically a Canadian province)

wiping urine from her lips,

clearing her throat before the Fourth of July

honoring Washington, Adams, Jefferson, & Madison

(the four pillars of Rome and Athens)

in concert with Trump and the sad sacks of Marlboro world

twisting facts

inventing dream worlds

hypnotizing pliable minds

in broad daylight between commercials on FOX

religious demigods and thugs

with the heavy handed tools of the trade of misinformation

talking heads of bullshit & discord

with warm smoke seething over their white teeth and smooth complexions

brilliant lies packed like pure powdered cocaine

fake people dressed as mannequins with speech skills

smuggled into feeble brains

smeared into the cracks of unreality

hop-scotched down the halls of shallow thinking 

where lips lick the combat boots of insurrection

kissing themselves watching Sunday news shows while

in bed

frothing at the mouth, 

eagerly looking for a stranger's cock to suck.

the resultant fireworks dominate the sky over Fort McHenry,

near Baltimore, where in the actual world of nature

the momentarily calm waters of the Chesapeake Bay are over-run

with excess nitrates 

and nostalgic stories of the once-migrating mighty shad are still told.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself