Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

i would like to be the moon

when i shot my M-16

for the first time,

it was on a target range

in the state of New Jersey, USA.

and there was very little recoil.

i wore my army uniform while 

adjusting my sights,

and there was gravel underfoot

and the day was hot.

it was my responsibility to be accurate.

i couldn't see my face,

but i probably looked like a judge

who was good at what he did.

it was horrifying to contemplate the purpose

of my training with this weapon,

but i took it with me to South Vietnam in 1969.

eventually, i was awarded a medal.

and now i would like to be memory-free,

simple and one-celled.

i would like to sleep under a warm sun

like a fat house cat.

i would like to be more tender.

i would like to be a wild wood duck, 

flying freely toward the full moon.

i would like to be the moon!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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