Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mother Nature

what have you done

with my softest feet

which walked on the damp grass

before crossing the hard street?

what have you done

with my native child,

once unbroken and wild,

now exhausted and exiled?

what have you done with the dreams

which i wrote in my diary?

well, i'll take your answer for what it seems 

while i give you this inquiry:

when the fields are all planted

but the free birds are dying,

will your voice stay silent

while the innocents are crying?

when the oceans come calling with their eyes wide in fright

will babies be safe while napping over night?

yes, i've seen crazy horses stampeded by thunder,

kicking at the iron-clad barn door;

and young men wanting their first warm kiss

but shipped off to a war:

and the gray-haired woman who gave me her smile,

her fingers wrinkled and her fashion seemingly out-of-style,

she offered me comfort on her living room chair,

sitting in silent light to tell me to stand up to dark despair;

yes i ask 

while watching disappearing sand in an hour glass:

when the air gets heated and the desert sands explode,

will there be time enough to find a better road?

in spite of bullies and all the poison that they spew,

there are friendly faces and the better natures they pursue

with healthy hearts and selfless pride,

they seek the good and push the bad aside,

appreciating each pebble has a perfect polish all its' own;

which shines the brightest not when held in contempt,

but when it's thrown.

what have you done

with my softest feet

which walked on the damp grass

before crossing the hard street?

what have you done

with my native child,

once unbroken and wild,

now exhausted and exiled?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself