Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, February 24, 2020

the dog was envious

all day splitting wood
without a woodie
but my nails are polished
a bright purple.
the dried white and red oak
is piled in a neat pile
ready for burning but
there is no fire.
it's a Monday and the market is
freaking down and out but i'm
sweating with the good love of work.
climate change or a normal warm February sun?
regardless, it's a pleasant day without cold or snow
in the northeast of America which is still
above sea level in Pennsylvania.
all day the dog watched me chainsaw and swing the axe.
she developed an appetite.
i drank a Manhattan and sipped a homemade soup
which had bits of broccoli and small pieces of potato.
it was more typical of a stew, being thick and delicious.
the dog was envious.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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