Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, December 6, 2019


ah, shucks
slapping slippery hockey pucks
for the winning points
getting free smokes in all the better hippie joints
while lounging under American skies
eating warm grandma apple pies
just about everything in the great prairie spaces
playing high stakes poker holding all four aces
watching forest trees dance
in an imaginative hallucinogenic trance
well, don't you know
from tip of head to toe
everything tingles
listening on the am radio to Wild Bill Hickok and his partner Jingles
getting lucky on a date
definitely has to rate
pretty high up there
where the rarefied air
is filled with exquisitely scented flowers
counting the seconds, minutes, and the elusive hours
sipping rich wine with a mouth full of poetry
anywhere from sea to shining sea
and much more such,
like a lovely skin to skin sensual touch
or a soft pillow made of comforting breast
give me this and i'll be tempted to give you the rest!
on the point of a needle our brief life pauses
immersing in irony and meaningful causes;
hundreds of millions of years gone by
and still we stand and wonder why.
well, something never to miss:
a soft, warm and lingering kiss;
an exhale and an inhale and an exposure to bliss.
and then this:
deep in the dark woods getting lost,
one toe steps timidly and touches frost.
a deep breath yearning to be free
of the pressing weight of modernity;
Whitman’s wild children fully awake,
singing in the open air by a deep-water mountain lake.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself