Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sally found her air

Sally found her air,
sniffing around without a care.
saw me from across the bar room floor;
she liked my smile and thought she wanted more.
there were Friday night men and muscles and uncorked wine!
while she sat at an open table to drink and finely dine
and all around
she heard the polished sound
of lively steel guitars;
she saw sparkling stars,
and heard friendly laughing girls
in their blue bell bottoms wearing fancy shiny pearls.
i was also thinking i hoped to score
and went walking loosely across the bar room floor,
to begin dancing before her dancing eyes.
she watched my music slowly rise
and fell into a momentary swoon:
i could become her morning sun and harvest moon.
Sally found her air;
sniffing around without a care;
she saw me from across the bar room floor;
she liked my smile and thought she wanted more,
as i did, too.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself