Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

what Miss Universe said

here's how it goes man
sitting on my piano bench with a whiskey in hand
sipping one for you
tapping my foot with nothing else to do
touching the sky while romancing the keys
playing guitar with a little gypsy strip tease
the band cranking out the hottest blues
living large outgrowing our baby shoes
reaching into hearts and finding something for everyday fun
lots of Hollywood lovelies and a western setting sun
a bottle of the finest French red
remembering what Miss Universe said
shivering at the sight
reciting poetry in an art house late at night
over and over again until it feels just right
custom written for her ears
erasing all her hesitations and fears:
the joys of life and happiness tears!
here's how it goes man
sitting on my piano bench with a whiskey in hand
sipping one for you
tapping my foot with nothing else to do
touching the sky while romancing the keys
playing guitar with a little gypsy strip tease
the band cranking out the hottest blues
living large outgrowing our baby shoes.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself