Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, July 20, 2018

passing the buck

must be the season for the fools
those little plastic bobble heads
like convenient tools
lounging on their lazy pillow beds
reading fairy tales with stories of fantastic luck
passing idle time, passing the buck
wireless signals passing thru their brain
at the highest speed of the fastest train
running faster and up over the hills
i'm getting nervous, getting the chills
passing idle time, passing the buck
reading fairy tales with stories of fantastic luck
and over by the Swanee river
where the waters' cold i start to shiver
a crowd of rebel soldiers
seated high on a confederate horse
long rifles resting on angry shoulders
aiming to kill their historic remorse
near the nearest town square
lead bullets flying toward people there
must be the season for the fools
those little plastic bobble heads
like convenient tools
lounging on their lazy pillow beds
reading fairy tales with stories of fantastic luck
passing idle time, passing the buck
wireless signals passing thru their brain
at the highest speed of the fastest train
running faster and up over the hills
i'm getting nervous, getting the chills.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself