Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, July 19, 2018

from old Mexico

i crossed the border from old Mexico
always looking for the safest place to go
heading past San Antonio all the way north to Texarkana
wearing my foreign frown and a newly found bandana
a busy job and a pretty wife
my dream of an opportunity to earn a better life
there's a job working in the big fields picking big green peas
bending my back and bending my knees
crossing my fingers that i don't get caught
with the few things i brought
and i'm rolling over endless ground hoping i won't be found
by the government men with their orders
to stop men, women, and their kids crossing borders
looking for a land full of promise
a sunset to kiss;
a dawn to love with a full heart and a song in my soul
i crossed the border from old Mexico
always looking for the safest place to go
over the river and thru the dangerous desert
past the cactus whos' shade could hurt
i wondered truly about the awful hard times
words running away from easy rhymes
i wondered about the sweet lands and the hard future toil
the smiling girls and the fertile soil
the long night roads and heavy weight
i thought ahead and i can't wait
i crossed the border from old Mexico
always looking for the safest place to go
driving past San Antonio all the way north to Texarkana
wearing my foreign frown and a newly found bandana
a busy job and a pretty wife
my dream of an opportunity to earn a better life

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself