Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

the sea is a wall

i'm a sunny Presidential
and the sea is a wall of busted blue
at the dawn of creation a single flying fish flew
and this should come as no surprise
i now have two naked eyes
and inflated body parts
a seesawing figure with two unconventional hearts
two balls and a Paul Bunyan hat
looking for a woman with a chest that's looking flat
a blind man found my steaming bath and sat
he waved from his pile of bubbles as he sank
up to his head he swallowed while we drank
to a woman whose pet name was Myrtle
her hips and breasts to my mind were fertile
and our harvests promised to be bountiful
we sang and ate our bellies' full
establishing a personal rapport
painting still lives on the living room floor
to satisfy our hunger for a sensual war
and in a tangle of tendrils
yet-to-be executed thrills:
all the bad girls wearing bleached blond curls
piling their bowls with fresh fruit
wearing sweaters tight and oh-so-cute
a pitcher of beer and a happy face
in a New Year's letter a piece of lively lace
and a curving candle stick
i took another look and took a lick
i'm a sunny Presidential
and the sea is a wall of busted blue
at the dawn of creation a single flying fish flew.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself