Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, November 19, 2017

in how many languages?

in a small yellow room
with a small glass dish and a water bowl
sweet flowers of autumn red and summer blue
and a lovely soul
listening to the classical piano
and in no time at all
summer had given way to fall
i saw you board the bus and ride away
in how many languages do i have to say
please, stay?

and through the open window
the harvest wheat has been cut and piled high
sweet flowers of autumn red and summer blue
and a southern sky
dancing across the floor to you and i
and we finally kiss
all our moments led up to this
in how many languages do i have to say
please, stay?

during a starry night
i saw a spinning light and a strange moon
sweet flowers of autumn red and summer blue
passing too damn soon
eating at a table with just one spoon
and in no time at all
summer had given way to fall
i saw you board the bus and ride away
in how many languages do i have to say
please, stay?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself