Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

she talked and talked

you've heard of the lady who walked
into the pool
and fell face down
no, she wasn't a silly clown
she wasn't fat but neither was she cool
her cell phone was stuck in her ear
like a cutting spear
she talked and talked
she should have been watching where she walked
someone said her legs were flashy
someone thought her hair looked trashy
when she hit the water she seemed surprised
someone said she needed to be analyzed
but she didn't miss a beat
she was dripping water but got to her feet
that girl was totally soaking wet
she either lost a bet
or lost her connection to reality
i heard she walked into the spreading chestnut tree
her nose was black with shades of purple and blue
her dress was torn but her cell phone seemed new
she said she was tired and lost her way
eating cake and talking all day
her ear was swollen like a sperm whale's lip
someone said she talked in her sleep but that wasn't hip
in her car her phone stayed taped to her head
she drove so slowly it was easy to hear everything she said
her cheeks blushed and her teeth grew large
she talked her way onto an ocean-going barge
someone said she lost her pants
so what?  she talked all the way to France
she bumped into the famous Eiffel tower
she said it was the late hour
and too many men following her around
she turned up the volume of her sound
i saw her talk to a buttered snail
she ate the head but left the tail
she talked about her sensitive mouth
she said she'd feel better if she went south
in Africa she fell into a watering hole
and talked and talked to the far North pole.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself