Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

and that guy

i saw you on the street
walking down memory lane
there was no threat of thunder
no chance of rain
and there were people smiling
laughing voices filled the air
when i saw you slowing
i shouted "Stay right there!"
and remembering us together
i whispered movies and the old dance hall?
Sally and Wendy,
Peter and Paul
popcorn up the nose,
much more of this and some of those
and scary stories and pillow fights
post-prom parties
and chocolate delights:
your eyes gave you away
i saw you wanted to stay
you still had the sweet smile
we lingered for awhile
as the traffic lights turned
well, what have we learned?
you went inside a store
and i wanted to know more
but the evening was coming on
soon there'd be another dawn
you'd see in your mind's eye
a brief moment in time and that guy;
i'd have the aroma of your freshly-washed hair
looking around but you wouldn't be there.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself