Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, March 13, 2017

With A Measure Of Grace

with a measure of grace
i went outside and took in the view
and the world sped by at its' normal pace
but i thought only of you
and the wishes we found at the bottom of the clear blue stream
they appeared to me yesterday in a fantastic dream
i drove my Self the edge of the nearest shore
where i sat to drink a bottle of blood red French wine
and like an idiot i immediately wanted more
but everything i wanted i knew would never be mine
you came to me like a soft wind with the stars in the night sky
i felt comforted when i heard you inhale and sigh
you told me a story and i heard you spin a tale
now, it can be told i listen best when we are in bed
there's no judgment with a kiss to pass or to fail
if all the preceding words spoken are truly said
there was a stone in my walking shoe
i reached down to hold it in the palm of my hand
but i thought only of you
and how hard it is to come to grips and take a stand
there is a come and go with how we honestly feel
with what we try to hide and what we openly reveal
i saw the lights shining on your face
the reflections keeping me spell-bound by the door
you asked me for a spoon and took a hurried taste
and like an idiot you immediately wanted more
down by the raging waters i pulled out the stone
you took a hard look and started off for parts unknown
with a measure of grace
i went outside and took in the view
and the world sped by at it's normal pace
but i thought only of you.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself