Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

words are stone

words are stone
skipping across the water’s edge
sinking into memory
like a piece of hard coal
stuck in a seam
then found again,
held in hand, examined
before being burned on a hot grill
under the watchful eye of an
curious chef.

it was a sunny morning when i saw my first word
while sitting with my book open to page number
one, and i immediately rose
from the cafe chair to join the
merry prankster for a cup of her breakfast coffee
on the wood bridge which crossed a forest stream.

in the afternoon, the woman with brown eyes was sipping her red wine
while holding a clear crystal glass and
my blue eyes when she suddenly
reached for a smooth white stone
roundly polished by the passing of glacial time.

in the early evening, when we found ourselves in the kitchen reading the recipe,
our words kept skipping back and forth
and the aroma of animal heat made us both hungry.

it was a sunny night when we ate ourselves silly.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself