Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Braque and his wife, Marcelle

A literary table in a Paris cafe
found Picasso on the sidelines
with surprisingly little to say.
Braque and his wife kept sipping their tea,
explaining the concept of ideal harmony:
"it's like poetry on canvas to form a new art;
a metamorphosis of rhythm which springs from the heart."
nearby hung a painting of two men reading from a letter,
arguing in jest about which one was the better,
but Picasso never wished Braque away;
although, in 1921 it certainly seemed that way.
Braque finished his tea and felt quite alive;
he had to break with Picasso is he were to survive,
and so off he went,
as though he were Heaven sent.
his studio was filled with tactile space
where curtains with irony and white lace
fluttered by the open windows.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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