Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, October 5, 2015

a big bear came and shook his head

seventy four black bears were sitting on the outside deck
twenty four were hiding behind the club house door
each one was patting a fat and happy belly
empty jars of ripe strawberry jelly
each one licked clean and sloppily spilled
appetites brought in were eagerly filled
when they stood up and walked away
the neighbors agreed to have a say
no more trash gets tossed around
no more garbage on the ground
two sly fox heard what they said
seventeen more were still in bed
they all had thoughts of stealing jam
a rental car and slice of ham
but a big bear came and shook his head
every fox turned a crimson red
the animals held a quick pow wow
they agreed to share the peoples' chow
but people cared about the wild
they told adults and every child
pack it in and pack it out
love the Earth and leave no doubt.
they left no food for the lazy bones
the forest heard and filled with groans
ninety eight black bears ate a perfectly normal meal
not a drop of fast food did they find to steal;
nineteen red fox admired the clean streets;
they looked high and low but found no sweet treats!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself