Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Les Demoiselles

there was a man
who dragged along his wife
and son
but nothing pleased him.
he drove around in his car,
house-hunting and with an
eye for a young girl.
on each new street he saw more than a few
flirts and thought
"Les Demoiselles!" but did
not stop,
at least while a wife was by his side.
in any event,
he always flatly refused to pay more
than his fair share
(as his diary confirms) and
multiple girls at once would be a major buy.
he never liked to be cheated,
so his wife was unaware of what money he spent,
while his son resented them both.
then on a busy street,
when he was prepared to be tempted,
he met a woman who had some interesting traits
and life became good.
Just before he died he was heard to say
"Drink to me!"
when he died, he gave
everything away.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself