Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, February 21, 2014


had i died on the field of battle
never would i have heard of Mark Zuckerberg
and his great good fortune, which is
still going gangbusters, reaching almost as high
as the falling stars passing above my night eyes.
and he isn't satisfied with the status quo, which may not exist
except in imagination, as his two newest friends can attest.
Jan and Brian are not only eating in his kitchen,
they are now part of the intrigue and the high jinks of the facebook universe,
intensely reading the first section of their new program
and seeing the WhatsApp logo blinking with dollar signs,
sufficiently drowning out the relatively tame music of their former lives.
yes, new footlights are shining brightly on these young men,
and venture capital stagehands are busy counting heads, while the surprised
audience sits enraptured, though a few spectators
are heckling and causing a riot.
it would be hard to clamor onto the stage and outshine
this performance.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself