Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Table 4

come for me tomorrow in the bar at table 4
I'll be sipping from my whiskey glass
and waiting by the door
I'll be looking for your friendly face
the smile that lights your eyes
but I'm not waiting for a woman
who hides herself in lies
i've never liked the cheap disguise
you've worn with whos and whats and whys.

I'm reaching for the candle stick
a matchbox in my hand
the smoke making circle eights
i can never understand
rhythms from a local band
falling on my face
bright musical notes and voices
sliding by without a trace
and dancers swaying hit a beat
houselights sweep the floor
they're looking for a friendly face
to come walking in the door
but I'm waiting for tomorrow
sometime to pay my bill
the waitress whispers in my ear,
"It's clear you've had your fill."

come for me tomorrow in the bar at table 4
I'll be sipping from my whiskey glass
and waiting by the door
I'll be looking for your friendly face
the smile that lights your eyes
but I'm not waiting for a woman
who hides herself in lies
i've never liked the cheap disguise
you've worn with whos and whats and whys

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself