Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, October 14, 2013

a 1968 Camaro

i had just bought a new car
a 1968 Camaro
when Martin Luther was shot
and Bobby Kennedy became the next to go
i heard the news reports
each evening they talked about a foreign war
they counted all the men who died
as though they were keeping score
they wrapped each soldier in a body bag
sometimes only pieces and parts
a letter was delivered to the family
guaranteed to devastate hearts
o damn, Sam, I'm in a big funk
getting higher getting sick of this shit getting drunk
kicking the can farther down the road
no, man, I can't carry this load
but my car stayed plenty mean
it roared and all four tires smoked
girls climbed in and drank cheap wine
got loose and joked
a folk singer rolling a stone
and a Beatle singing "Give Peace a Chance!"
one man said he respected women
another had his hand in her pants
and the moon shot became a long shot
while more bombs fell
i had just bought a new car
and i drove her all the way to Hell.
o damn, Sam, I'm in a big funk
getting higher getting sick of this shit getting drunk
kicking the can farther down the road
no, man, I can't carry this load

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself