Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

O Dark Thirty (not a movie)

0 Dark Thirty
from here to eternity
whether suffering in the countryside
or martyred in the city:
from an alley to the school
it's all the same boat ride you fool!
and neither is more picturesque,
beauty becomes a parody of life.
still eating fancy peas with your knife?
well not in my studio (as in Hollywood, i presume)
is real Truth covered with faceted strokes:
long man-made beasts who clamor for
the sky and the mountains to merge with total war.
and when they do,
i'm reminding you
each blind flower upon hearing about waterboarding
will simply fade and die;
that's why they cry
long before their bloom is over.
rightly, too,
since the fate of any beating heart is often decided
by unwanted water rising in another persons' throat,
and business as usual always smothers the goat!
now darker ages appear
adding black upon our newly fallen cover of white snow.
this is not what i write, but what i know.
i could go on,
talking from dusk until dawn
but i have shamefully little concern about these troubles.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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