Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Polka dots

Marguerite was standing to the right
of the polka dot fireplace
with an envelope in her hand.
Inside it, she had a letter to her husband,
who was playing checkers to the left
of the fireplace.
within the room, there was a strong rush of air,
but no flames were visible and no heat
came between them.
she was seldom very private about her emotions,
but needed to sacrifice openness to reach him,
particularly while he played a game.
he was very formal about his relationships,
and they kept their house meticulously clean,
especially when the weather was gloomy.
that did not mean they were stuck with whitewash
for their walls, since a box of watercolors was
inside a bedroom drawer, a gift from her mother.
but her husband had little creativity and often dismissed
the notion of fresh paint.
in her youth, Marguerite was very gifted.
in his youth, her husband was a businessman.
their initial relationship was full of aspirations, and at first
they had the tools for a wondrous journey.
but after the trip, there was no other big event, so he spent his
time waiting at the post office for the checker board.
one day it arrived and, being a good sport, he invited his
friend to play.  they played as much as they could, in
good times, in times of illness, crisis, or financial straits.
and always in the room with the fireplace, which Marguerite
began to paint with polka dots. 

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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