Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


he had the exploding blue penis tipped with tan
and all the girls went crazy
considering the possibilities,
if it would only come to rest between a pair
of splayed human legs, mainly female and
maybe their own.
but the adulation
and the applause
were less for the man with the head of a horse,
an eagle with a woman's breasts and bull's legs,
and a bird with the head of a girl who was not talking
to a playmate or combing a momentary lover
for another brush with her sexual energy.
so he crouched down on all fours, hoping
to catch the ball an athletic lady was about to throw him.
and expecting a glimpse of her holding the key, he
unlocked his door and caught the ball in his hand.
he squeezed it roughly, and would have her
any way he liked, and one of his favorite ways
was to be naked on a clean, white towel.
acting as her immediate supervisor, he wasted no time
in training her to please him and she was not to laugh.
her hair remained golden on the floor,
mixing with his jealousy and his sperm.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself