Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

polka dots

Stay with me so
I might paint your face.
I'll crown your hair,
combing it long and smoothly in the back.
Then, a thin scarf, centered and
tied neatly under your chin
with two sections set softly on your chest.
Your arms folded low,
I notice again how angular the nose,
how open the forehead, how strong
the overall countenance, how soft
the smile.
Folded, too, is the sleeve of your left arm
and your skin is cool with a sudden draft.
Sit in this upholstered chair, here.
I'll pull the white window drapes and set up a light.
Tell me the story of straightening my tie
before I left the studio for a recent interview.
It was good I wore a vest, yes?
That's it, relax. Of course, cross your legs.
Your ankles are not nicer than your hands.
No, they both delight. Look this way.
There! It's finished.
Yellow and blue polka dots are a nice background,
don't you think?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself