Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


talk about Silvio
mostly Italian
drifts on the garlic air
crossing the Mediterranean
to the little island of Cyprus
but in Seoul the Han River
was crossed more than once
by armies crazy in mad pursuit
of Victoria's Secret
and the latest quarterly report
of positive earnings, i'm told
the outlook was good
the gypsies of Romania
still roaming
having babies at 10
play cards
cheating at seven
hawking illusion on the Pont Neuf
one leg wooden
one crystal eye
a showman and a thief
picking the pocket of any hitchhiker
braving the crowds on St. Marks Square
looking for Napoleon
crying in his royal palace
as the rains came to flood the stone
life was never the same again
for Lewis and Clark on the Missouri
searching for the Pacific sky
reading TIME magazine by the Columbia River
and retiring at 62
before Marilyn Monroe lost her skirt
over the windy grate she smiled
and the Hollywood musical had a rebirth
working the high clouds
above Grindelwald
under the Eiger where lovers marry
with their bright eyes
drinking steamed coffee
planning their next hike
without the United States Supreme Court
dark robes inside an empty office
unable to find a map
Isaac Stern tuned the sweet song
the students played in Tiananmen Square
as Chinese tanks fired their diesel motors
while the moon rose over a simple flower.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself