Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, August 23, 2010

silver spoon

i heard her coming up the narrow stairs
on a Saturday morning and i thought "who cares?"
with her rainbow hair and a grocery bag
inside of which was my discount tag

i have album covers thrown across the floor
telling me i'm not young no more
and thinning hair and a nervous cough
a love for poker and charity golf

collecting smoke &
collecting dues
i'm sitting broke
with a glass of booze
i'm paying rent &
sipping wine
in a tenement
with a FOR SALE sign
eating bread crumbs on the floor
wondering what i came here for
never ending tales of woe
i have no other place to go

ungrateful kids and a teen mother yells
above the sound of the near church bells
a pile of clothes and dirty dishes
are all that's left of my brightest wishes

i play my friendships with a tambourine
an echo bouncing like a summer dream
on the crack sidewalk a silver spoon
and the fading image of my dying moon

collecting smoke &
collecting dues
i'm sitting broke
with a glass of booze
i'm paying rent &
sipping wine
in a tenement
with a FOR SALE sign
eating bread crumbs on the floor
wondering what i came here for
never ending tales of woe
i have no other place to go

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself