Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

digesting the meal

the grilled chicken salad was the perfect meal
and you were the perfect guest
as i watched you easily eat
with a fork and a knife
it appeared to me that you enjoyed
our time together
my iced root beer wasn't able to
provide any profound statements,
although i sipped with eagerness
the grilled hamburger i ate resulted in an
onion burp far removed from our table
but i covered my mouth and apologized
to no one in particular
it's true that a nuclear Iran will pose
regional balance-of-power issues
what is not certain is if the Israeli
Air Force will send 100 (+/-) fighter jets
on a preemptive attack against these nuclear
facilities, creating awful uncertainty
but it seems certain that Muslim terrorism is
a growing worry worldwide
what is not understood is how to address this
there are historical facts about Islamic
expansionism we can know them
I have not read the Koran; have you?
perhaps I will become a suicide bomber,
but i'm not now wearing an explosive vest or belt
These are desperate times
i trust you didn't have too much trouble
digesting the meal

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself