Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

whatever follows the dawn?

Sun King is so chill
but the fool on the hill
is still no easy pill to swallow
somewhere a heart is hollow
somewhere near the end
i'll have no more silly notes to send
but if i could only choose
i'd wear a pair of new blue suede shoes
i'd sweep you onto the nearest dance floor
ask you for a little squeeze and so much more
but you're not asking for anything
and pretty soon winter will pass into spring
and maybe you've never spoken that word
or possibly you haven't heard
all the winds of time are forward-blowing
all the maidens in love are happy knowing
dreams come true in paper back romance
i'm in a complete trace
but you're in a foreign land
hearing the lonely heart's club band
seeing everything while i'm not there
you're always telling me that life's not fair
now tell me how everything seems
you've exhausted all your womanly schemes
how will you feel when you hear my tires squeal
and the ride you wanted to take is gone
how will you carry on
whatever follows the dawn?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself