Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


along the river road
an old shoe and a broken commode
scattered bits of window glass
and an old outhouse
a dead squirrel, then a flattened mouse
more unidentifiable fur
of a him or a her
riding in the heat of summer
with a fried brain
in need of relief and rain
i was going east on four forty one
riding away from the sun
towards Marietta and the turn
beyond the fruit stand where i learn
my legs are really tired and the heat
is killing me and i feel beat
no car or truck or motorcycle
hits me on my carbon bicycle
as they go whizzing by at speed
after the corn field where i peed
i remounted and felt wonderful
i still had one cold water bottle full
and the memory of a special girl
and i mean that sincerely
i was thinking very clearly

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