Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the magical word

carmen san diego
jesus is coming to your world
with a long white robe
& painted colors that swirled
on Guantanamo beach
where life's an eastern Muslim peach
Koran & blood on sacred ground
the 4th of July a special sound
heartfelt & sticking around
carmen san diego
madness at the break of dawn
invading Afghanistan
in broad daylight & then gone
to where tribal warlords collect dope
Saddam swung from his bastard rope
& you've got nothing more to say
reciting Bible verses pray
deep into another fateful day
carmen san diego
the CIA hiding in your pants
close by the hidden exit door
with an airline ticket to France
flying from Beirut like an overripe fruit
the magical word is SHOOT
like a missile crazy from Iran
or a nuke from Pakistan
what can't you understand
carmen san diego
jesus is coming to your world

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself