Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, October 16, 2009


you were caught in the shadow between two lines
blinded by the crowd applause and couldn't read the signs
with arrows to infinity and a moon rise out the door
you told a waiting nation that you'd lead them into war
displaying fresh aluminum and biologic threats
with yellow cake and operatives as secret as it gets
in Poland and Iran or was it Brussels and Milan
smirking as the words emerged La Cosa Nostra con
the bastards at the Pentagon had hoped you knew the score
with little donny rumsfeld sucking madly as your whore
he whittled down the numbers and he sent Marines ahead
in a lightening strike surprise attack to minimize their dead
it was cheney and mr chalibi who lied about the scope
of opposition in Iraq to give reluctant liberals hope
yet no crowds of people tossing flowers on the road
as M1A1 tanks and troops in Baghdad finally showed
it's good to declare victory on an aircraft carrier deck
& then retire to Texas with a lone star on your neck

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself