Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ginsberg saw the punch of heavenly insanity
through glassy homosexual eyes
across oceans of distance & nearing death
He wrote from his head the trade wind Howl
of demon smokestacks and collapsed cities
screwing a Buddha universe of astronomic atoms
where lived man who spit blood and broke heart
among hard machines made by hard machines
on a hard rock surface called a world
pregnant with firearms & hypodermic needles
in need of cash and the warm hot fix
of a thousand writhing angels in passion frenzy
Ginsberg felt this madness of america
& the naked copy world of cruise ships
underneath their starry night
with cots full of spent sperm and false hips
and wigs with plastic faces before He died
beyond a prison wall with His tender man
confessing eternal love within a loveless womb
powdered dry like the Sahara desert
without relief from suicide or happy June weddings
with happy cake & wall street traders
pumping for their gymnasium membership
when the dancing couple fell into their bloody hole
& found a habit without a nun attached
near the Harvard yard of nothingness
Ginsberg danced on His string of inspiration
with Beat poets studying the crowded beer hall
of ashcan lids craftily blown across the street
to where the Brooklyn Dodgers once had played
before an admiring crowd of immortal souls
in Ebbets Field the memories grow like Hell

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself