Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, September 14, 2009


i missed my mother at the picnic
'cause she stayed in church too long
and my father tried to harmonize
but he didn't know this song
while brother Jakie played his mandolin
in a bluegrass band of five
near the railroad tracks in our county jail
but he's coming out alive.
His prison cell is an old hard time
with tobacco in his cheek
he once killed a man on Labor day
to prove he wasn't weak

he was a mountain man & he's coming home
a good woman by his side
prayed for his MA, prayed for his PA
& the man he shot who died
he was a mountain man & he's coming home
a good woman by his side
spent twenty years for his lone mistake
and every night he cried

At a moonshine pub he pulled a gun
when BenBully came around
& grabbed his girl around her neck
she couldn't make a sound
if looks could talk and ask for help
she was calling for her Lord
her life grew faint and darkness
she was quickly headed toward
Jakie fired his gun and screaming
BenBully hit the dirt
& the crowd came back to wonder
dead man's blood upon his shirt.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself