Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

elementary elizabeth

she didn't know who the mothers were
to the children soon to be
and wondered in nervous anticipation
if she could simply flee
to the classroom closet in the back
beyond the door where students tried
to find their own coat rack
and that's exactly where she cried
& lost herself with nervous tears
because she wasn't sure what to say
to those approaching ears
is it fine to say that history
is a tale without an end?
to give a glimpse of loneliness
in this life without a friend?
she could teach them winning numbers,
painting freehand, spelling bees
then send them out to recess
say "be back in twenty minutes, please."
but what about western religion or
science in evolutionary terms
but heck no, nothing substantial would do
beyond the idea of our everyday germs
and human health in general for charges so young:
but mostly just remember to keep a civil tongue
sticking to the basics and teach
elementary subjects that are simple for kids to reach
and she did.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself