Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

China doll

China doll
resting her head on the seashore

watches the bather take a bath
hoping for more
than glimpses of his brush

she wonders how in the world
he could withstand the incoming tide

of all her propaganda
as she lied and lied and lied

about the size of her breasts

but he shows no interest beyond his toilet
as it flushes his indiscretions away

which gets her so angry
she wonders what else to say

or how to use her charms
to entice his arms

to embrace her:

if only she didn't powder her face red,
he said,

or angle her eyes in hues of midnight black,

then a tryst could stand a chance.

he adjusted his pants
as perhaps a flirt might do

but held firm.

he watched her squirm.

she was hoping for more
but would never take to the floor
in her imagination.

he combed his thinning hair
with an air
of innocence

before crossing the strait
where fate
would find him with another woman.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself