Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, May 17, 2024

two new best friends

the two new best friends

went marching near the band.

a man holding his rifle watched

as they blew kisses,

fondling the air left hanging between their lips.

a salute without a glass,

yet the glass was half-full somewhere out of sight.

they two were from different countries

but they shared a border and a common enemy,

so it was assumed.

the assumption followed them to the conference table

eventually, to a grand meal:

they digested points of view

they drank in strategies and weapon systems

they regurgitated ideas for world hegemony

they ate lemon meringue pie

they listened to translators


over a fine dinner

with Chinese teacups!


the hot bravado

was wearing nothing but a bare white chest:

the world listened

ears were bent

sounds fell to the ground quietly

where a damp puddle smothered their good vibrations

and then the dust settled once again.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself