Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

underneath a fine Parisian sky

on a steep historic butte 
with fresh strawberry tart, 
unwrapped nudes,
& excited affairs of the heart 

underneath a fine Parisian sky 
watched i 
seated outside my busy sidewalk cafe 
wondering what people say 
by the walls of the ancient Sorbonne 
in their studious Latin tongue. 

nearby, the spry 
Agile Rabbit 
sitting on his vineyard hill drinking cheap local swill 
with a painterly friend of mine, 
asked Joyce if he really had a choice 
or was it just a rumor about the invisibility cloak? 

perhaps another drunken joke 
about a man stuck inside his wall:
a shadow of a ghost before his eventual downfall? 

there's more that i should say: 
i recently talked with Claude Monet 
about his first impressionist flowers brush-stroked every single hour until 24 had been made. 
he said he was adequately paid. 

i sipped my warm cafe au lait wishing this Paris memory would stay and stay!
then a wind and hard rain came up abruptly and took all the suspense away. 

on a cobbled July afternoon 
in the shade, 
stirring with an unfashionable plastic spoon, 
i the tourist began to consume 
a Lebanese grape and a sweet pepper with a stem shaped like the quarter moon. 

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself