Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, September 18, 2023

as WE soak in the baths of infinity

I try to welcome myself,
and I seek for him:

maybe in Singapore?

or Lahore?

by the seashore?

perhaps on a mountain top?

between the moments of a ticking clock?

or within the lines of a haiku?

all the while,
while noticing the essence of YOU.

I am aware, though,

that within it ALL 

balance or stumble

I sometimes feel unwelcome,
and am greedy,
and unwise.

but it's no surprise.

I am standing on my hind legs,

sniffing the air

feeling the wind in my hair 

while I fly

among the stars in the sky

temporarily here
and there

recovering my health

from the corruption of wealth

hoping for a choice

listening to an inner voice

welcoming me
after all
loving me

before the inevitable fall.

so I stand

holding out my hand

and my heart

asking YOU


for a continual restart
each and every moment

as WE soak in the baths of infinity.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself