Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Alabama's Africa Town

in Florida

the shore line is now a front line

while the phone line to the Governor's office is constantly busy

looking over to the Keys

hearing the shouted words "So help me, please!"

the old man and the sea

remembering stories of a shark attack

are calling: there's no turning back

dying or already dead 

the high rises 


finding surprises

where the sun also rises

when high tide is spotted running across Lincoln Road

and maybe the onslaught can no longer be slowed.

in Florida

the shore line is now a front line

while near Alabama's Africa Town

the sunken slave ship was finally found

buried in mud near Twelve Mile island where it was burned and sunk

treated by the enslavers like a useless piece of junk!

a boastful white man acting like a heartless drunk

hiding his crime thinking that if it's out of sight

there's no evidence to point to in the dark of night

but now the history books

can give this story many more serious looks

finding surprises

where the sun also rises

when high tide is spotted running across Lincoln Road

but maybe the onslaught can now be slowed.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself