Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, January 23, 2023

my warmest regard

i found a cougar in my backyard

reading from a black and white yellowed note card

he was thumbing the whole page looking for a clue

lots of angry cats are still wondering what to do

if there's a passing storm and the thunder keeps coming down hard

running around in my backyard

i'm giving all wild animals my warmest regard

but when their fantasies bite and spit 

and the music finally decides to quit

well, just keep the dancing shoes tapping across the bandstand floor

Ginger and Fred have memories that are too hard to ignore

sliding and spinning 

losing and winning


calling home where i answer my phone

pretending to be singing baritone:

special friends and the most beautiful Harvest Queen 

riding in a Cinderella wagon making a happy ending scene

making the best of our time

adding more polish to the shine

lending all the bums a dime.

i found a cougar in my backyard

reading from a black and white yellowed note card

he was thumbing the whole page looking for a clue

lots of angry cats are still wondering what to do

if there's a passing storm and the thunder keeps coming down hard

running around in my backyard

i'm giving all the animals my warmest regard

but when fantasies bite and spit 

and the music finally decides to quit

just keep the dancing shoes tapping across the bandstand floor

Ginger and Fred offer memories that are too hard to ignore

sliding and spinning 

losing and winning


calling home where i answer my phone

pretending to be singing baritone:

special friends and the most beautiful Harvest Queen 

all riding in a Cinderella wagon making a happy ending scene

making the best of our time

adding more polish to the shine

lending all the bums a dime.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself