Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

save the baby!

save the baby!

that was a cry from the next room

and i had to assume

it was for me but it could have been for you

we went together looking for a clue

we saw rusted tanks and bombed out cribs

skinny men with exposed ribs

and old men with the saddest eyes

consumed by the constant lies

their tears flooded the street

we felt the dead heat

like an immense weight in our hands

everywhere we looked we saw badlands

everything was being taken

chewed up and forsaken...

in our heads we saw dark clouds and felt the stinging hail

in the palm of our hands we felt the nail

and the cold freezing our skin 

you looked without while i looked within

and it slowly dawned on me that the sky would remain blood red

all the babies had fled

into a story book where another ending would be penned

make-believe and the terrible world of pretend

and the fog soon to descend:

save the baby!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself