Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

they played Listz at his funeral

the first time he heard Listz play La Campanella,

he assumed the piano piece was a tribute to

Roy Campanella, a famous American baseball player,

who, before he died,

was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

but no, that assumption was incorrect,

so he obviously wasn't concerned with the obvious.

he often sat all alone listening to his thoughts,

far out in the country,

where birds sang their own compositions

and rat snakes dreamed under the heat of a high summer sun.

he was not rich.

his choice of music was dictated by an FM radio

playing classical pieces,

hinting at news,

broadcasting political advertisements.

and he rode a bicycle for amusement,

employing trainer wheels to ensure his balance,

which was suspect.

he rode over little stones until his butt hurt,

then tried to explain the inexplicable using several rolls

of toilet paper which he draped over the low branches of

tall trees.

very funny, he thought, applying salve to his sore cheeks.

he closed his eyes and imagined a priest

smiling at him from inside a confessional booth.

the priest suggested a ride on a bicycle built for two.

the priest also said he knew Roy Campanella,

when he was still alive.

and they played Listz at his funeral,

not baseball.

try explaining that, he said, 

without using toilet paper.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself