Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, July 18, 2022


and it was Mary Oliver

again speaking directly to me!

her voice full of blessings

and insight

about life and love and light

and darkness, too, like a bowl of the blackest chocolate fudge

being eaten by a starving man inside his lonely prison cell.

oh, do tell;

so, yes,  I was drawn gently in a certain direction.



I have time to linger, wondering about my little finger

and how it attaches perfectly with my full hand

when I pet my dog or comb my hair.

everything is simultaneously here and over there!


the simple fact of focus upon the speeding moment:

that's sufficient

for the infant 

and the old fellow filling his bird feeder with sunflower seeds

while the noisy chickadee watches.

and my love sips her wine slowly while her eyes smile, pools of promise beside

a lake of ever-expanding iridescent infinity.

I hear a Pink Floyd song and imagine kissing her lips in rhythm to the moon circling

around the Earth, remembering the constant push and pull of a tender embrace,

remembering a country of fragrant gardens and fertile fields of joy,

and the laughter of a child swinging from a handy rope 

overtop the safety of a deep hole of a neighborhood creek, 

the splash and the bubbles and the delicious feel of cool water on skin.

it's a very important day, right here and right now.


because it's only a short walk to the end of the boardwalk,

and I'm not ready to dismount my bike, whose tires are spinning like a distant galaxy 

and comfortably filled with air.  the chain cleaned and well-lubricated.

the road ahead is endless.

a train whistles.

a baby cries for her seat, and we all make room, moving and watching protectively.

we all have sufficient time.

we all feel.

we all need love.


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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself