Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, June 11, 2021

just as it should

it isn't something to write home about

especially when you're already there

looking at your rocky bottom

with an i can't make sense of anything stare

and clearly on the radio 

whenever a 60's song is heard

every single word

is understood

yes, just as it should.

so not dead yet

might be as happy as you ever  get

riding along the scenic coast

not up to speed and not to boast

with maybe a single warm beer in hand

singing at the top of your lungs

to the Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

and digging the scene

regardless of what it might mean

Hendricks atop the Watchtower

playing guitar 

for the promise of People Power

and what comes next

isn't a concern

nothing new or exceptional to learn

out on the open road and down the mean streets

looking out below

could be the only sensible way to go

fast forwarding and decking the halls

grabbing your hat and grabbing your balls

the days change and never return

can't give it a moments' concern

each page of every book

exactly where you need to look

serial dreams where you're the star

catching a break

killing the rampaging vampires with a single stake

it isn't something to write home about

especially when you're already there

looking at your rocky bottom

with an i can't make sense of anything stare

and clearly on the radio 

whenever a 60's song is heard

every single word

is understood

yes, just as it should.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself