Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, December 4, 2020

where my dog was hiding

i took my dog for a walk

but a paw was sore and she limped

into the woods,

wondering why i hesitated

while on the phone

listening to the news

between drops of cold rain 

and there was constant static 

but she saw a chipmunk and ran away

beyond the tree line

into another hole,

into a space between distant wolves and the arrival of deer.

i heard the dial tone calling me,

and i answered and gave my name and wondered aloud

why no one seemed to care and hung up again,

much like many times before.

and the rain spit and hissed when i saw a tree looking at me,

waving its' arms, holding a phone which looked a lot like mine.

i heard the leaves in mixed company underneath my feet,

all their colors wet with a gentle fatigue,

and they seemed to question me but i had no answer

which made sense as i passed into an adjacent field,

all cut corn and overhead a circling red tail hawk looking for mice

and maybe the furry bunny who made the hole where my dog was hiding. 

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself