Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Franco! Franco! Franco!

Franco!  Franco!  Franco!
we will march on Barcelona
and bomb the smaller towns.
Guernica is a target;
let the planes attack.
no painting of that place
will make a difference.
Mussolini and Hitler
will help with the killing
and the suffering
and the conquest.
Franco!  Franco!  Franco!
and advance.
the communists
and the anarchists
are pigs.
slaughter them all.
it's for fame and glory
and Spain.
Spain and Franco!
Franco and Spain!
the bull and the matador
are both on our side.
Peasants have no rights.
crush their resistance.
crush Barcelona!
turn out the lights
and light the fires.
Franco!  Franco!  Franco!
Madrid is our power
and the power is for us
to decide.
Franco!  Franco!  Franco!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself