Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

a body stacked full of tools

i grabbed my hat and bags
found you looking at the ceiling
took you with me
asking how you're feeling:
we went to check out the park
heard wild animal sounds in the dark
i knew you were interested in the local zoo
feeding the monkey isn't all you like to do
well, you like to pet the lion
i saw him take his last breath before dying
he never even knew your name
but to you it was all the same
one good laugh and a dance floor full of fools
a pretty face and a body stacked full of tools
i grabbed my hat and bags
found you looking at the ceiling
took you with me
asking how you're feeling:
we went to check out the beach
you wore a teacher's hat so you could teach
i knew you were interested in the local zoo
feeding the monkey isn't all you like to do
well, you like to pet the lion
he took his last breath before dying
you never even knew his name
to you it was all the same
one good laugh and a dance floor full of fools
a pretty face and a body stacked full of tools
don't eat another piece until it cools
a pretty face and a body stacked full of tools

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself