Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jerry Garcia sitting on his stool

Jerry Garcia
sitting on his stool
laughing at himself
when he started to drool
so he asked me to play his guitar
but i'm no fool
i'm just waiting for the moon to fall
or the night to end
and my mom to call
she knows my number and my name
every road we took together looks the same.
there's a girl on my front step
she's still waiting, yet
when i've called, she said yes
but where she lives i'll have to guess:
there's no fortune teller in the band
no tinker bell in my left hand
no simple songs i can't simply understand
when the music rolls into a highway truck stop
i'm slowly eating food that tastes like slop
watching Jerry clean the floors with his famous mop
sitting on my stool
laughing at myself
when i started to droll
so he asked me to play his guitar
but i'm no fool
i'm just waiting for the moon to fall
or the night to end
and my mom to call
she knows my number and my name
every road we took together looks the same.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself