Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, August 16, 2019

long kisses and short near misses

in the backyard pool
she looked at me
and i'm no fool
it was just her and i
underneath an east coast late summer night sky
and that damn high board would be my first chance
to do a mighty swan dive and maybe a triple backflip dance
to land in her waiting arms
full of promising adventure and mysterious jungle charms
i'd be a young Superman and she'd be Wonder Woman
swimming down the waterfalls to where all the mighty rivers meet
drying ourselves with soothing body heat
and i didn't really know what was in store
but we both left wanting more
a special song we'd sing and a movie we both love
long kisses and short near misses
maybe a bite to eat and laughs in the dimly-lit backseat
walking together where the pretty flowers bloom
together each night in our own bedroom
remembering how to swim when the lights turned low
and there was no where else we'd rather go.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself